The Mission

To shape a world where every child knows their inner light's strength. Join us in guiding bright, resilient souls toward recognizing the beauty within.

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Who We Are

Limbic Lamb is dedicated to nurturing young minds, instilling positivity and self-confidence from the start. Inspired by personal struggles with self-esteem, we've crafted affirmation cards tailored for children.

Our goal is to empower the next generation by nurturing resilience, self-belief, and emotional well-being, training their Limbic Systems—the seat of emotions and self-perception.

With engaging illustrations and empowering messages, Limbic Lamb affirmation cards are more than just words; they're tools to rewire young brains for a brighter, more confident future.


Things We've Been Asked


What does your name mean?

Our name was derived from the innocence of lambs and the power of the limbic system.

What is the Limbic System?

Imagine your brain is like a big city with different neighborhoods. One of the important neighborhoods in your brain is called the Limbic System. It's like the "Feelings Center" of your brain because it helps you feel and understand emotions.

Now, let's break it down:

  • Amygdala: This is like the security guard of your brain. It helps you recognize when something might be scary or dangerous. It's the part that makes you jump when you hear a loud noise or feel scared in the dark.

  • Hippocampus: This is like your brain's memory warehouse. It helps you remember things, like where you left your toys or what happened at your last birthday party. It's also where your brain decides if something is worth remembering.

  • Hypothalamus: Think of this as the manager of your body. It helps control things like hunger, thirst, and sleep. It also plays a big role in how you feel emotionally. When you're happy, sad, or excited, the hypothalamus is working behind the scenes.

  • Thalamus: This is like the mailman of your brain. It helps deliver messages to different parts of your brain so you can understand what's happening around you. For example, when you smell something yummy cooking in the kitchen, the thalamus sends a message to your brain saying, "Hey, that smells good!"

  • Cingulate Gyrus: This is like the peacekeeper of your brain. It helps you manage your emotions and deal with conflicts. It's the part that helps you calm down when you're upset or figure out how to solve a problem.

So, the Limbic System is like a team of superheroes in your brain, working together to help you feel, remember, and understand the world around you. And just like any team, they work best when they're all cooperating and doing their jobs well!

Will you be creating any new products?

Winter 2024

Why have you been sold out so long?

Limbic Lamb was in the baby stages of business when we won the AT&T 'Dream In Black' Contest. The response was overwhelming and literally forced us to restrategize. We plan on a bigger come back Fall/Winter 2024. Stay tuned!